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Written by Fred Cook on July 06, 2001

WWF Smackdown Results
Thursday, July 5, 2001
Taped from Tacoma, Washington

WWF Tag Team Championship
Chris Jericho and Spike Dudley vs Dudley Boyz
Dvon kicks Jericho down in the corner. Jericho clotheslines Dvon. Jericho with a knee lift on Dvon. Jericho with a springboard dropkick on Dvon. Spike springboards off Jericho out of the ring onto Bubba and Dvon. Back in the ring Spike hits Dvon with the whassup headbutt. Dvon counters the dudley dog by crotching Spike on the ropes. Bubba with a high back body drop on Spike. Bubba and Dvon flapjack Spike. Bubba kicks Spike off the ring apron. Dvon misses a second rope leg drop on Spike. Jericho tagged in and cleans house. Jericho puts Bubba in the walls of jericho, Dvon makes the save. Spike missile dropkicks Bubba for a two count. Dvon throws Jericho on the security wall. 3D on Spike for the pin. After the match Jericho clears the ring.
Winners: Dudley Boyz

Backstage, Austin and Debra enter Vince's dressing room and ask how he's doing. Vince says he was embarassed about being in his underwear on Raw. Vince says Torrie set him up and he's not over it. Debra tells Vince he got what he deserved. Austin gives Vince a present from Texas. Austin says he was in such a good mood he bough himself one too. The presents are sterling cowboy hats. Austin and Vince put the hats on. Angle enters and says they have the same hats on. Vince reminds Angle about what happened to him on Monday, and that Austin brought him the hat as a gift to cheer him up. Angle wonders why Austin didn't get him a gift. Austin says he didn't forget about Angle. Austin gives Angle his present. Angle's present is a little monkey cowboy hat with a string around the chin. Angle thinks it looks great on him.


Backstage, the WWF and WCW referees are arguing over the dressing room space. Nick Patrick and Earl Hebner were the respective leaders. Patrick says they will put their stuff anywhere they want. Patrick and Hebner had to be pulled apart.

Crash vs Jacqueline
Match starts off with Crash knocking Jackie down. Chops by Jackie. Crash throws Jackie out of the ring. Jackie clothesline Crash on the outside. Jackie pulls Crash into the ring post. Back in the ring Crash misses a corner splash. Jackie leg drops on Crash's arm. Crash with a northern lights suplex for a two count. Jawbreaker by Jackie. Clothesline by Crash. Jackie crotches Crash on the turnbuckles. Jackie follows up with a top rope huricanrana for the pin.
Winner: Jacqueline


Backstage, Trish Stratus thanks Jeff Hardy for saving her on Raw. Lita and Matt walk up. Trish says she's not here to cause problems, just there to thank Jeff. Trish leaves. Matt and Lita wonder what is going on.

Backstage, Booker T enters the arena. Booker walks through the APA and WWF wrestlers. APA teases Booker for getting his ass kicked on Raw. Booker says he got his ass kicked and he may get it kicked again tonight because he is going to defend his title. Bradshaw seems a bit impressed by Booker.

Backstage, Vince wonders why Booker T is here. Someone knocks on the door. Angle answers. An older gentleman walks in and gives Vince a note, and leaves. Vince opens the note to find out it's a court summons for the 23rd of this month for Linda's settlement. Vince rips up the note. Austin blames it on Angle because he answered the door, and now wants the hat back. Angle and Austin argue over the hat until Vince tells them to shut up. By the way, the 23rd is a Monday Raw, the day after Invasion.


WCW Cruiserweight Championship
Billy Kidman vs Gregory Helms
Shane is now known as Gregory for some reason. Fink even announced him that way. Weird. Anderson and Hudson are at the announce table. Little Nache is the referee. Xpac is shown in the back watching the match. Kidman with a top rope cross body for a two count. Helms hip tosses Kidman out of the ring. Helms catapults Kidman into the ring post. Back in the ring Helms hits a backbreaker for a two count. The crowd is loudly chanting boring. Helms with a leg drop for a two count. Kidman with a top rope bulldog. Short powerbomb by Kidman for a two count. Superkick by Helms for a two count. Kidman goes up top and misses the shooting star press. Atleast that got a reaction out of the crowd. Kidman counters the vertabreaker by landing on Helms neck for the pin.
Winner and New WCW Cruiserweight Champion: Billy Kidman

Backstage, Vince says all these women are trying to ruin his reputation. Debra says she doesn't believe that is possible. Vince says it is possible only if he lets it happen. Vince says he is not going to let it happen. He is going to go to the public and tell his side of the story. Angle says Vince is right on wanting to tell the truth. Angle proceeds to tell Austin how he first told the truth when he was a kid in the cub scouts.


Backstage, Christian is polishing the KOTR trophy. Edge walks in and says he has an IC title shot tonight but Christian is not allowed at ringside. Christian is disappointed because he can't be there to support Edge. Edge leaves, and Christian hugs the trophy.

Vince comes to the ring. Angle and Austin in the back watching the monitor. Vince says when you come into this world you have nothing and when you leave you have nothing. I am here to tell you that is not the case. When you leave this world you leave with either a good or bad reputation. I would like to state that my wife would like you all to believe that I have a bad reputation and a womanizer. Last Monday, my wife conspired with Torrie Wilson to try and ruin my reputation. Just for the record I was not going to go that far with Torrie. I admit I may have had a little lust in my heart and thought about her moist lips. I was merely testing her loyalty, as a prospective WWF superstar. I have experienced quite a bit of trauma. I was served a summons tonight for division of assets. I want to tell everyone that I am sorry. If I have ever caused you any pain I am sorry from the bottom of my heart. I'm sorry for being misunderstood. Vince drops to his knees begging for forgiveness. Regal and Tajiri run to the ring. Regal says he can not bear to see this. Regal says it is not Vince's fault. Regal and Vince hug. Austin and Angle watching the monitor in the back, jump out of their seats. Vince says Regal is right, it is not his fault. It is not his fault that he is so attractive, charasmatic, a billionaire, etc. Thank God my name is Vince McMahon and I am damn proud of it. Tajiri and Regal applaud Vince and leave.


Hardy Boyz w/ Lita vs Billy Gunn and Big Show
Poetry in motion on Gunn for a two count. Show throws Jeff in the corner. Show flapjacks Jeff. Gunn punches Jeff in the face. Show kicks Jeff in the gut. Show headbutts Jeff followed up by an elbow drop. Show misses a second rope elbow drop on Jeff. Matt clotheslines Gunn. Matt with a tornado ddt on Gunn for a two count. Gunn throws Matt out of the ring. Litacanrana on Gunn. Show press slams Matt back in the ring. Jeff missile dropkicks Show. Matt hits Show with the twist of fate. Swanton bomb and top rope leg drop on Show. Gunn sneaks in when the referee is turned around and hits Matt with the cobra clutch slam. Gunn places Show on top of Matt for the pin.
Winners: Billy Gunn and Big Show

Backstage, Vince says he is going to celebrate. He is going to take the rest of the night off by going to a nudie bar and have a drink. Vince says Tajiri is going with him and they leave. Austin and Angle confront Regal about hugging Vince, which turns into Austin and Angle arguing over who makes each other the sickest.


WWF Intercontinental Championship
Albert vs Edge
Edge makes fun of X-Factor's theme music before the match. Standing dropkick by Edge. Christian is shown in the back watching the monitor. Albert hard irish whips Edge into the corner. Albert puts Edge in the torture rack and turns it into a modified cutter. Albert misses a splash. Edge counters a chokeslam with a ddt. Edge hits a missile dropkick for a two count. Albert low blows Edge followed up by the baldo bomb for the pin.
Winner: Albert

Backstage, the APA and the WWF wrestlers apologize to Test for beating him up. Austin and Angle walk up. Test leaves. Austin says Test's ass whipping was for a good cause. He'll get over it and it will make him stronger. Austin says they need to band together. Austin and Brashaw afree on how to kill a snake and that's to cut his head off. Angle interupts and says Austin could do this by himself because he's SCSA, and that he could beat any of them if he wanted to, but he don't want to and will take their help. All the wrestlers leave and Austin gets pissed at Angle.


Scotty Too Hotty vs Dean Malenko w/ Perry Saturn and Terri
Clothesline by Malenko. Malenko kicks Scotty down in the corner. Rollup by Scotty for a two count. Malenko with a backbreaker. Malenko locks in the cloverleaf but Scotty gets to the ropes. Scotty with a missile dropkick. Scotty with a backslide for a two count. Scotty with a flying forearm. Side suplex by Malenko. Saturn enters the ring and tries to do the worm on Malenko but Malenko kicks him out of the ring. Scotty hits Malenko with the bulldog and does the worm on him for the pin.
Winner: Scotty Too Hotty

Backstage, DDP is shown stretching. A WCW referee wishes him good luck. DDP gets insulted and says he is going to make Booker T famous. DDP asks the referee if he has seen the Undertaker tonight. The referee says no. DDP says that Kane is watching Sara tonight but he knows that Undertaker is still in town. DDP says his diamond cutter is sharper than ever and he would love to cut Undertaker's head off with it.


Backstage, Austin says he can't believe that Booker T is in the arena. Debra asks Austin what he's going to do about it. Austin says he's going to whip Booker's ass. Debra says Austin needs a breath mint. Angle interupts and says he would break Booker's ankle with the ankle lock. Austin thanks Angle and shakes his hand. Austin encourages Angle to go get Booker. Angle leaves.


WCW World Championship
Diamond Dallas Page vs Booker T
It's me, it's me. It's that D - O - Double G. Whoops. I mean D - D - P. Hudson and Anderson are at the announce table. Nick Patrick is the referee. DDP attacks Booker before he can get through the ropes. Booker slams DDP into the security wall. Clothesline by Booker. DDP drops Booker across the turnbuckles. Short arm clothesline by DDP. DDP throws Booker out of the ring. Booker sends DDP into the crowd and follows. DDP clotheslines Booker back over the rail. Back in the ring DDP hits a top rope clothesline for a two count. DDP sits on Booker's back. DDP with a corner splash. Both men trade rollups. Clothesline by DDP for a two count. DDP with an elbow to the groin. Powerbomb by DDP for a two count. DDP misses a corner splash. Clothesline by Booker. Flying forearm by Booker. Axe kick by Booker. Booker kicks DDP out of the ring. DDP throws Booker into the ring steps. DDP brings a chair in the ring and pushes Patrick down. DDP ddt's Booker on the chair for a two count. Undertaker runs down to the ring. Booker rolls up a distracted DDP for the pin. Undertaker chases DDP away. Angle runs in only to receive an axe kick from Booker. Booker hits Angle in the head with the WCW title.
Winner: Booker T

Undertaker is shown chasing DDP out in the parking lot. Undertaker is surrounded by WCW wrestlers. Undertaker tries to fight them off but they give Undertaker a severe beatdown. Shane McMahon runs out and tries to pull DDP off of Undertaker. DDP attacks Shane. Booker runs out there and wants to know what is going on. Mike Awesome says it doesn't concern him. They all give Booker a beatdown.

The show ends with DDP taunting Undertaker, and Shane and Booker laid out on the concrete.


these are this weeks smackdown results, a report on this thursdays wwf action.




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