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raw results
Taker came out to the ring before things could get underway, telling Shane that he wanted a piece of DDP in the Street Fight. Shane stepped out and let Dead Man Inc. open its doors for business and Taker took full advantage of the situation by laying into Page. However, Shane shockingly put a halt to the beating by attacking Taker from behind with a kendo stick! Sara got involved, snatching the stick away from Shane then laying into the Boy Wonder with the weapon, but DDP snuck out of the grass and nearly snapped Sara's neck in half with the Diamond Cutter! The Dead Man's wife was carted out of the arena on a stretcher as a helpless Undertaker looked on.
The Boyz showed their continuity at the start, isolating Faarooq and double-teaming him, beating him mercilessly in their half of the ring, but Faarooq managed to create some separation by connecting with his patented short spinebuster off of the ropes. Bradshaw came in on fire, taking on both members of the tag team champs. The Texan scored with the fallaway slam on D'Von, sending him to the floor and then went to work on Buh Buh. The Boyz managed to regain the advantage and connected with the Whassuuuup headbutt. While Buh Buh was on the floor retrieving a table, Spike charged the ring, crutch in hand, and blasted his brother across the back with it! Spike rolled Buh Buh back into the ring to a waiting Bradshaw, who nearly decapitated D'Von with the Clothesline from Hell. Three seconds later, the APA hoisted the tag team gold once again and began their fourth stint as WWF Tag Team Champions!
tone Cold and Vince McMahon are in the back when Kurt Angle (still wearing the incredibly goofy cowboy hat) comes into the back with presents! Vince and Austin open their gifts and find a pair of tin star badges reading inside the humongous boxes! Angle opens his to reveal a gold star, but the Rattlesnake was not quite tickled by the gesture, saying that he and Vince don't need no stinking badges! Austin then told Angle he should be focusing on getting revenge on Booker T after having humiliated him on SmackDown last week, even telling Angle that if he really wanted to make an impact, he'd storm into Booker's dressing room and demand a WCW Title shot tonight!
Albert took the early advantage on the Detroit native, using his size advantage to manhandle Rhyno. The man-beast fought back, but while Albert tied up the referee in the corner, X-Pac snuck into the ring and shoved the flat of his boot down Rhyno's throat with a sickening superkick! Albert resumed the beating on Rhyno, but the last ECW Champion would not quit, as he planted Albert with a spinebuster. Rhyno set up for the gore but Albert moved out of the way, sending Rhyno into the ringpost in the process. The 350-pound IC Champ then went for the Baldo Bomb, but Rhyno squirmed out of it and caught X-Pac with a gore on the far side of the ring as he tried to sneak in from behind. However, the distraction was all Albert needed as the titlist caved in Rhno's skull with an axe-kick to the face, completing a successful title defense!
Angle barged into Booker T's dressing room and demanded a WCW Title shot! Booker obliged and Angle laid out a warning to the champion, saying he was a very dangerous man, but the WCW Champion was unphased and told Angle to bring everything he had.
Footage of Jeff Hardy helping Trish Stratus escape the wrath of the Big Show last week on Raw was shown.
Tajiri and Regal were in the back talking when Kane came in and demanded to be allowed to take his brother's place in the handicap match Taker was slated to compete in later on tonight against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome. Regal granted Kane's request as Tajiri cowered in the corner!
Jeff tried to start quickly against the 500-pounder, but Show simply brushed off the young Hardy's early offense before tossing him into the corner and flooring him with a short clothesline. Show then tossed Jeff to the floor like a sack of potatoes and continued to maul him on the floor, but as Trish came to ringside, Jeff moved out of the way of a charging Big Show, sending the big man barreling into the ringpost. Jeff then ran the rail on the floor and took Show off of his feet with a crossbody block then went airborne again back in the ring, connecting with a dropkick off of the top rope and another off of the ropes while Show was on all fours. The former WWF Champion caught Jeff going for a third dropkick, grabbing him by the throat, but Jeff squirmed free and went to the top rope one more time. However, Show caught the former Light Heavyweight Champion in mid-air and tossed him over his back face-first to the canvas out of a powerbomb position, flapjacking him into the mat! Show made the cover and picked up the pinfall, but Jeff looked like the real winner after the match as Trish came in the check on him and locked a scintillating liplock!
Kurt, Austin, Vince and Debra were all in the back. Austin and Vince were getting Kurt geared for his match against Booker T while the Olympic Hero was stretching. Stone Cold told Kurt to get his posterior out of the general vicinity of his face then told Kurt that tonight would be the biggest match of his life! Mr. McMahon echoed the sentiments, saying that Invasion started tonight in a sense. Vince and Stone Cold said that they had Kurt's back, but the Olympian reminisced back to his glory days in Atlanta in 1996 and told the pair that he wanted to capture more gold in Hotlanta on his own!
Kurt Angle and Stone Cold were still in the back when Chris Jericho came in to talk to the pair. Jericho said that he and the two assclowns were not always on the same page, but went on to say that there was no ground to the rumors that if he won the WWF Title at King of the Ring, he'd defect to WCW. Y2J also said that since they were the two toughest assclowns he'd ever faced, he wanted in on team WWF at Invasion. Austin and Angle thanked him for the offer but said that they didn't need him.
Matt and Lita were at WWFNY and J.R. asked the couple about Lita's chances in the first ever bra-and-panties tag team match at Invasion. Matt said that Lita was not particularly wild about teaming with Trish, but she'd do it for the WWF, saying Trish should play ball and follow the Lita! The fiery Diva supported her squeeze's comments, saying that at Invasion, actions would speak louder than words, then she laid a huge kiss on Matt!
Booker T and Shane were in the back getting Booker geared for his title defense against Kurt Angle. Shane told Booker that the people in Atlanta were here to see him retain his gold. The former 10-time WCW tag champ then headed to the ring ready to wage war against the Olympic Hero.
Invasion started a little early in the deep south as Booker went to work early on Angle, stinging him with rights and laying in side kicks. Angle fought back against the WCW titlist, taking him over with a belly-to-belly suplex. The Olympian seemed ready to finish off Booker, setting him up for the Olympic Slam, but Booker avoided to move and managed to land the axe-kick. The ex-Harlem Heat member tried to keep the momentum going with a side-kick, but Angle caught his foot and cinched in the Anglelock. Booker was tapping while Shane McMahon had the referee's attention, and while Angle went over to confront WCW ref Nick Patrick about it, Booker tried to sneak up on him from behind. Kurt saw him coming, though, and although the ref was knocked to the floor in the process, Angle avoided the attack and connected with the Olympic Slam. Earl Hebner came down to make the count, but Patriick conveniently recovered and pulled him to the floor. Patrick and Angle jawwed with one another until Hebner came back into the ring and speared Patrick! The referee's went after one another on the arena floor while a bewildered Angle looked on. Meanwhile, Booker T had recovered and picked up the WCW Title, which Shane had left in the ring. Booker parted Kurt's hairline with the gold and retained his title, thanks in large part to Shane-O Mac!
Back in the greenroom, Angle was talking to Stone Cold. Angle was wondering where Stone Cold and Vince were, and when Austin reminded him that Angle said he wanted to win the title on his own, Angle said he was only kidding and that he won the medals five years ago! Austin said that was exactly the reason that he was going to lead team WWF to victory at Invasion!
Scott Hudson caught up with Stacy Kiebler and Torrie Wilson backstage. Torrie took great pride in having pulled the wool over Vince's eyes last week on SmackDown and Stacy promised to show the world why the women of WCW look better at Invasion!
In the back, the APA was celebrating their tag team title win when the Dudleyz came up to them. The Acolytes felt bad about winning the titles the way that they did and offered the Boyz a rematch as soon as they wanted it. Faarooq and Bradshaw even offered to buy drinks for Buh Buh and D'Von, but the Boyz were not really in a celebrating mood and told the new champs to try asking them again later on tonight!
Prior to the match, Chris Jericho made his presence known, showing his loyalty to the WWF by joing Kane for this matchup. All four men went at it to start up the match as Awesome paired up with Kane and Storm and Jericho went after one another. Kane took a beating from Awesome at the onset , but the Big Red Machine muscled out of the WCW corner and caught Awesome with a short powerslam before going to the top rope and scoring with his patented clothesline. Storm broke up the pin with a dropkick to Kane's face, but Jericho checked in by steamrolling through the former Triple Threat member with a missile dropkick from the top rope. Y2J then hit a bulldog on his fellow Canadian but his momentum was halted momentarily by Awesome. Jericho disposed of the former ECW Champion, going for the Walls of Jericho before taking Storm down, but as went for a Lionsault on Storm, Lance brought the knees up to counter the move. However, Jericho would not stay down as he immediately went for the Walls again and Kane caught Awesome with a chokeslam. Then all hell broke loose. Tommy Dreamer stormed the ring along with the holder of the longest title reign in ECW history, Rob Van Dam! Dreamer, Storm, Awesome and Van Dam teamed up on Kane and Jericho until the locker room emptied and WWF stars charged the squared circle! That was only to be half of the story, though.
As Kane and Jericho recovered, the WWF stars who had charged the ring all turned around and stared a hole through them. The Dudley Boyz, Justin Credible, Raven, Tazz, Mike Awesome and Lance Storm along with Dreamer and Van Dam, charged Jericho and Kane! The group of ten men pummeled Y2J and the Big Red Machine, Dreamer scoring with the Tommy-Hawk on Jericho and Van Dam plastering a chair across Kane's skull with a Van Daminator as Jim Ross and Paul Heyman watched from ringside. Then, incredulously, Heyman got into the ring with his former charges and reintroduced the world to ECW! Paul E. then told Vince and Shane that ECW would not be hard to find if they wanted a fight and told them thee Invasion had just gotten EXTREME!
Vince and Shane bumped into one another in the back. Vince was just about ready to dim Shane's running lights when the Prodigal Son appealed to his old man's better senses, telling them they had a common enemy tonight, that being ECW. Vince agreed and told Shane for one night only, the WWF and WCW would co-exist, five men apiece, to finally get rid of Extreme Championship Wrestling!
Scotty went after X-Pac at the onset, but the champion withstood the early charge and slowed the pace, taking Scotty down with a slam and flattening the former Too Cool member's facial features with his sliding legdrop. The challenger would not quit, fighting back, but as Scotty went for the bulldog to set up the Worm, X-Pac moved out of the way and pinned him into the corner as a prelude to the Bronco Buster. Scotty avoided the move, sending X-Pac into the corner and the King of the Worm again went for his trademark move, but X-Pac slipped to the outside. Scotty beat on X-Pac on the floor and tossed him back into the ring, but a Sunset Flip attempt went wrong as X-Pac sat down on his chest and held the ropes for extra leverage to help him escape with his coveted Light Heavyweight gold!
Vince and Shane had a meeting in the back with their respective team members to talk strategy. Vince said that his WWF stars would lead the way and the WCW guys should follow their example and Shane gave the same message to his troops. Vince protested the idea but Shane offered to take personal responsibility for everything that happened in the ring. Vince said that was fine by him, but after the WCW stars had left, Vince told his crew not to listen to a thing Shane said and to do things their way!
Things for Vince and Shane's boys didn't quite start out as they had wanted as Team WWF and Team WCW went at each other from the get-go. The Acolytes, Billy Gunn, Hardcore Holly and the Big Show cleared the ring of the WCW troops and then the ECW music blared over the PA. Team ECW marched through the crowd and into the ring where they decimated the WWF contingent, eventually having a ten-on-one advantage over the Big Show. Show tried to fight back, but it was for nought as after the ECW crew dumped him onto the floor, Team WCW finally made their re-entrance into the fray. However, there would be no conflict between ECW and WCW as the men all embraced and high-fived one another and mauled the WWF team! Vince came out to the stage to watch his men get destroyed as Shane and Paul E. called the shots. The Dudleyz hit the 3D on on of the Bradshaw and RVD came from the top rope with a Van Terminator on The One. Shane told his pops once again that he couldn't contend with his money, but he could compete with his mind, saying he was personally responsible for everything that went down tonight! The biggest bombshell of the night was dropped as Raw went off the air with Shane introducing us to the new owner of ECW - Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley!    


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