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HBK hbk4hbk@hotmail.com 
HHH wwfhhh@hotmail.com 
Road Dog WWFRoaddog@eudoramail.com 
Chris Candido chris@candidosytch.com 
Tammy Lynn Sytch tammy@candidosytch.com 
Headbanger Mosh wwfmosh@aol.com 
Headbanger Trasher wwfthrashr@aol.com 
Bad Ass Billy Gun WWFBABilly@aol.com 
Gangrel pyroknight@hotmail.com 
Edge futurechamp@webtv.net 
Jesse "The Body" Ventura ventura@kfan.com 
Saturn perry_saturnwcw@hotmail.com 
The Blue Meanie meanieecw@aol.com 
Chavo Jr. chavojrwcw@hotmail.com 
Kane airc1967@aol.com 
Head Hunters h_hunters@mail.ibj.co.jp 
Lou Thesz wcthesz@aol.com 
"Playboy" Bobby Starr bstarr@aol.com 
Bill Banks wwfbbanks@aol.com 
The Matrat wwfmatrat@aol.com 
Lanny Poffo lannyp@gate.net 
Paul Bearer wwfbearer@aol.com 
Tony Schiavone wcwschiavone@hotmail.com 
Arn Anderson arn97@juno.com 
Gene Okrelund wcwgene@aol.com 
Rey Mysterio Jr. reymysteriojr@hotmail.com 
Super Nova & Donnie B. dbd56@aol.com 
Mikey Whipwreck ecwwhipper@aol.com 
Danny Doring ddannyD12@aol.com 
Gabe Salposky ecwgabe@aol.com 
Hunter Hearst Helmsley tripleh1dx@aol.com 
Raven ravenwcw@hotmail.com 
Scott Hall thebadguynwo@hotmail.com 
Michael Cole michalcole@aol.com 
Lucas Swineford wwflucas@aol.com 
Bret Hart hitmanclub@aol.com 
Ivan Koloff ckliew@singnet.com.sg 
Marlena wwfmarlena@aol.com 
Marc Mero wwfwildman@aol.com 
Mortis mortiswcw@aol.com 
nWo nwo4life@wcw.com 
X-Pac seanwaltman@hotmail.com 
James Vandenburg dvh66@aol.com 
Woman womansulli@hotmail.com 
Kevin Kelly wwfkkelly@aol.com 
Vic Venom wwfrusso@aol.com 
Curt Hennig thats_perfect@mailexcite.com 
Steve Austin wwfaustin@hotmail.com 
Billy Kidman kidman511@aol.com 
Diamond Dallas Page ddp@wcwwrestling.com 
Kimberly kimberly@wcwwrestling.com 
Bill Goldberg annihil8or@wcwwrestling.com 
Chris Jericho wallofjericho@webtv.net 
Al Snow alandhead@aol.com 
Rocky Maivia wwfrocky@hotmail.com 
Rob Van Dam rvddotcom@aol.com 
Sign Guy Dudley ecwsignguy@aol.com 
Stevie Richards imbegginya@aol.com  
Ian Rotten iwaian@aol.com 
Axl Rotten axlrottenecw@webtv.net 
Snot and Schmuck Dudley fcwdudleys@aol.com 
Afa samoan1@aol.com 
Chris Benoit chrisbenoit@hotmail.com 
Jeff Katz deligram@aol.com 
Howard Finkel wwffink@aol.com 
Ric Flair ricflair@hotmail.com 
Francine francineecw@webtv.net 
Dory Funk Jr. fuanku@dory-funk.com
The Rock rock@wwf.com
Mankind mankind@wwf.com
Debra debra@wwf.com
HHH hhh@wwf.com


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